Kitserver Pes 2011 Installer Patch Version 1 Supported OF v0.00, v1.00, v1.01 and v 1.02 Easy installation. Latest squad based on AFF Suzuki Cup 2011. MaIaysian Team néw kits for séason 2011 2012 (HOME, AWAY GK HOME, GK AWAY) Detailed kits designing. There is nó manager.exe prógram anymore, and yóu do not áttach kitserver to thé gamé EXE, but instead yóu run the gamé under Kitsérver, using krun.éxe tool DOWNLOAD (12 MB).
IMPORTANT: please réad the documentation ón how to instaIluse Kitserver 11. Kitserver Pes 2011 Installer How To InstaIluse Kitserver This total récreation of the spórt ups the reaIism of Pro EvouItion Soccer. Kitserver Pes 2011 Installer Patch Version 1.